Learner Types Are Not a Thing with Guest Lauran Kerr-Heraly [Episode 13]
Host: Stacy Braga, Copywriter + Copy Coach
In this episode of the Cozypreneur Podcast, Stacy Braga is joined by executive functioning coach Lauran Kerr-Heraly to debunk the myths about learning styles and explore the true dynamics of effective learning.
They discuss how adaptability and mental flexibility play a pivotal role in both personal and professional development. Lauran shares insights into scaffolding techniques, meeting learners where they are, and how coaches and educators can use different methods—like gamification—to deepen engagement and understanding.
This conversation offers practical strategies for business owners, course creators, and coaches aiming to deliver impactful learning experiences.
Episode Highlights
00:00 Debunking Learning Styles
05:36 Mental Flexibility and Executive Functioning
11:23 Engaging Learning Methods for Coaches
18:51 Outro
Resources Mentioned
Connect with Stacy Braga:
Website: Stacy Braga Copy Studio || Copywriter for Entrepreneurs
Instagram: @stacybragacopy
Connect with Lauran Kerr-Heraly:
Twitter: @ProfessorLKH
Music by: teodholina, teodholina - Pixabay
Podcast edit by: Chelsea Koenigsknecht of KC Virtual, Instagram: @KC_Virtual