Marketing your business doesn’t have to look like showing up 24/7…

  • or spending all your time finding leads to engage with

  • or emailing your community every single day

  • or dropping your freebie in every possible fb group

You can have the dream of slow lakeside mornings without burning out

I’m Stacy

Copywriter + Educator

Helping clients who want to make the world a kinder, more equitable place sign clients and make money.

I’ve learned consumer behavior, buyer psychology, funnels, and sales frameworks to create better results for my clients through email marketing.

🎓 Bachelor in Pre-Vet Studies

🎓 Masters in Elementary Education

🎓 Masters in Educational Leadership

🎓 1000s of hours of sales copy training + mentorship


  • a launch that doesn’t feel like going to Thanksgiving at your in-laws and dropping the pie on your way out the door

  • confidence in your email marketing strategy

  • connecting and serving more clients than ever before

On the Blog