Raise your hand if you feel like you were lied to.

The dream of passive income and spending your summers enjoying slow mornings at a lakeside cabin looks more like 60+ hours hovering over your computer creating slide decks and marketing your business.

And the idea that if you build it, they will come…

they turned out to be 2 people…

You did everything right - you sent emails, and people even clicked - but the moment they got to checkout *poof* they disappeared.

The lazy lakeside morning turned into a trip to Target for a S’MORE kit you’re going to microwave.

What you want isn’t a pipe dream
You can have an audience reading your emails + sign clients into your course

Here’s the recipe to make that passive income lakeside dream a reality…

Client experience

This is the difference between signing a client once and signing them over and over again.

Buyer Psychology

Messaging that is rooted in how your dream clients think and feel.
So much so that they nod their heads as they read.


Reach more dream clients in your audience with sales copy written with storytelling.

I’m Stacy,
Copywriter + Educator

After crying on my way home from work for the 3rd time that week, I realized 2 things: 

1. My dream of being the teacher who made a difference in the lives of little humans felt more like a nightmare.

2. It was okay to leave. It was NECESSARY to. 

The problem was after 2 master’s degrees, 6 years, and leading several initiatives - I was burnt to a crisp.

I was done with the days of spending my prep periods crying in closets, feeling like I was shouting into the void and no one was listening.

I just couldn’t anymore. So I left. With. No. Plan.

Until I was doom scrolling IG avoiding all thoughts of how long my savings would last…I saw an ad:  “Copywriting is a great career for teachers

And I thought… hmmm…. I like writing…. I need a career…  🤔

Fast forward ⏩ copywriting training ⏩ mentorship ⏩ clients served ⏩ money made

I’m on a mission to help small businesses and entrepreneurs, like you, to serve more clients and make more money.

Claim your lakeside dream:


Hear what clients said about working with me: